How to Complete the Trademark Questionnaire

Upon submitting payment for a trademark application, you will need to fill out a questionnaire. Please fill out the questionnaire below or, if you prefer, you can fill out the form that was emailed to you. This page also serves as an informational guide should you have any questions while completing the form.
If you still have additional questions after reviewing the information here, feel free to reach out to us.

The applicant can either be yourself as an individual or your company. If more than one person are working with the trademark, we recommend filing with the company as the owner.
If you are filing as an individual then the entity would be written as such. If the company will be the applicant, please let us know what type it is (i.e. LLC, Co., Pty Ltd, etc.)
It is important to note that this address needs to be a physical mailing address as the USPTO will not accept P.O. box addresses
This should be the information of whoever we need to be in touch with when it comes to the trademark application. This person will need to be available to approve the application summary before the trademark application is submitted.
This is one of the most important pieces of information we need. The mark here needs to EXACTLY how you plan on using the mark in commerce. If there is a typo written on the questionnaire and it is approved by the contact person before filing, you will be subject to additional filing fees for us to file a new application. The text of the mark cannot be changed after filing.
In most cases, we recommend only filing for the word mark unless you will be using the logo more often than the written word (think the Nike Swoosh.) If you want to file the logo, please send it to us in a black and white JPEG format.
If you are currently using the mark in commerce, we will need the date that you first started using the mark along with a photo of the mark in use on the product or product packaging. For more information on the type of photo we need, please click here.
We ask that you give a detailed list of the goods and/or services you are going to be selling in conjunction with the mark, but keep in mind that the description may need to change to meet the USPTO’s standards. We also ask that you keep the list minimal as you really only need to list one item in order to be protected.
Please see the reference below if you have any questions.
How do I know what goods/services to list?
It is best to have a very concise list of the goods or services that you will be immediately selling or providing. It is important to be specific, but also keep in mind that the description may change in order to comply with USPTO standard.
Note: this list should not include items that you are only thinking about selling or may want sell in the future.
Can I file with multiple goods/services?
Yes, we can file for multiple goods and/or services, but it is best to keep the list clear and simple. It is also important to keep in mind that if the goods fall into multiple international classes there is an additional government fee per class.
How do I know if my mark is in use or not?
If you are currently selling your goods and/or services with the MARK, then your mark is in use and we will need the date of first use along with a photo in order to file the application. If you have not been selling the goods and/or services with the MARK, then it would be intent to use.
Is the logo a separate application from the word mark?
Yes, if you want to file the word mark AND the logo, this would be two separate applications, but we do extend a discount to the second application. We normally recommend only filing for the word mark, but if you believe your logo is an important feature of your brand we can file for both.
Check out our YouTube video if you have further questions
Feel free to contact us if you have additional questions after watching the video.